Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ The Resilience Network Manifesto

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

Michael Feldstein is pushing hard to see the creation of a resilience network to shape the higher education institutional response to the ongoing crisis. "All of those crazy predictions of 25% or 50% of colleges going out of business are suddenly a lot more plausible," he warns. Against that, he says, while a lot has been done, "all of these efforts amount to a drop in the bucket relative to the current need." His response is a resilience network as "something like a hashtag and something like a potluck dinner" - in other words, "discoverable resources that are tagged with something that has semantic weight" in addition to "some lightweight collaboration." He suggests some technological approaches to curation - a crawler, say, or a "a large-scale but porous collaboration space." While I am sympathetic with his ambition, I would counter that we (worldwide, not just in the U.S.) already have a resiliance network. What we lack - and have always lacked - is an institutional will to use it. To open up, to use the web, not some platform, to cooperate, not centralize, to share, not hide behind institutional paywalls. An Apereo-led institutional response won't change that. Image: Scholarly Networks on Resilience...

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2024
Last Updated: May 08, 2024 4:00 p.m.

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